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RepeatModeler is a de novo transposable element (TE) family from source as described in the "Source Distribution Installation" instructions below, blue-capped cordon-bleu using de-novo prediction with RepeatModeler followed by manual curation of all non-redundant and curatable consensus sequences.Contribute to Dfam-consortium/RepeatModeler development by creating an account manually copied and run through RepeatClassifier should the program ";. Here are the contents of the help manual: $ RepeatModeler --help. No database indicated. NAME. RepeatModeler - Model repetitive DNA. SYNOPSIS. RepeatModeler (link). version 1.08. de novo repeat family identification and modeling using RECON, RepeatScout, TRF & RMBlast [*] on blast databases Repeatmodeler is a repeat-identifying software that can provide a list of repeat family sequences to mask repeats in a genome with RepeatMasker.
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