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WALL AND MANTEL CLOCKS. • SETTING UP YOUR CLOCK. Located in the shipping carton with the clock will be a key to wind the clock. If provided. If your clock chimes more than one minute before or after the proper time, of the Floor Clock Instruction Manual or page 3 in the Wall and Mantel Clock Wall and Mantel Clock Instructions and Technical Assistance, Floor Clock Clock Warranty Howard Miller Wall and Mantel Clocks have a 1-year warranty. These instructions apply to many spring-driven quarter-hour chiming clocks. Setup — Pendulum Mantel Clock: Place clock on table with back facing you. Open theClick on a link below to jump to that category. CLOCKS • Clock Warranties • Floor Clock Instructions • Wall & Mantel Clock Instructions. CASEGOODS FOR CLOCKS THAT HAVE A PENDULUM - Follow these instructions for hanging pendulum. NOTE: To perform the following steps, Howard Miller suggests wearing There are a variety of product manuals and instructions available online for your convenience. View and download Howard Miller product manuals, instructions,
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