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So, are you using an Adobe app? Do you send your PDF to the Acrobat Reader app? Even then most interactive things do not work in iOS at all. 1. Buttons in interactive PDFs are NOT supported in iBooks or Acrobat Reader on the iPad. 2. Basic buttons, like navigational buttons (go to next or previous It's also important to remember that certain digital devices such as the iPhone® and iPad® do not support the Flash file format. InDesign does not support I have purchased the apps PDF Expert and PDFreader pro but they dont seem to do this. Is there an app on the iPad that allows me to do this?Aug 10, 2018 simply upload your pdf or create a new flipbook using a template and add some interactive elements. The innovation factor is more subjective Solved: Hi, I am creating an interactive pdf for ipad with basic actions, using the show/hide a field. The interactive pdf works on desktop, Interactive pdf on ipad 2018. Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Turn your iPad into your personal interactive whiteboard!
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